Nicolini, Piccola Nera, Delle Venezie 2013

Recommendation: An unusual Italian red that’s a good value for the price.

Winery/Producer: Giorgio Nicolini; Muggia, Italy.

Grape Variety: Piccoila Nera.

Geographic Region, Appellation: Venezia-Giulia; Italy.

Vintage: 2013

Price: $20 (with a discount of $3.00)

Purchased From: The Caviste Wine Shop; Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Paired With: Parmesan chicken, olive oil, garlic and Parmesan (whole wheat) pasta and garden salad with Caesar style dressing.


    He said: Opened 20-minutes before drinking. Very light, maybe pale brick red color. Very light floral aromas. Thin, tart orange and strong tea taste that finishes with a long, dry, stronger fruit taste with herb flavors and a touch of bitterness. Smooth, quite tart throughout and very easy drinking. It was a great pairing with the Parmesan chicken and garlic and Parmesan pasta; and great sipping after dinner. This is an unusual wine with “Character” and it gets a Recommended buy rating from me. It’s a good value for the price.

    She said: Light and smooth are the first words that pop into my head when drinking this wine. With very mild aroma and flavor but silky mouth-feel it was a lovely complement to the chicken but overwhelmed by the green pepper in the salad. I can’t help but think of rosè when I sip this and perhaps that is the best comparison. It offers lightness and smoothness to the dinner but is a delicate, “shy” sort of wine and can easily be lost in the company of more robust flavors.


Alcohol: 12.8%

Bar code: None available.

Imported by: Piedmont Wine Imports; Durham, North Carolina.