MenaRick Vineyard & Winery Merlot NV

Recommendation: Not Recommended

Winery/Producer: MenaRick Vineyard & Winery; Ronda, North Carolina

Grape Variety: Merlot

Geographic Region, Appellation: Yadkin Valley, North Carolina

Vintage: Non Vintage

Price: $17.10 (with a 5% six-bottle discount)

Purchased From: MenaRick Vineyard & Winery

Pared With: BBQ chicken on bun, oven fried potatoes, and coleslaw


    He said: VERY dark red, slightly opaque. Fairly strong Welches Grape Juice aromas. Very robust dark fruit and grape taste that finishes with lots of dry tartness. Rough but drinkable. Full of flavor, OK tannins and it’s not sweet…thus it’s better than some Merlots we’ve had. Would I buy it again, if I had a picnic lunch at the vineyard probably; but at $18.00 there are a huge number of Merlots that are much closer to the top of my shopping list for the wine store.

    She said: Few wines would be good with this dinner I admit, but this was better with the dinner than as sipping wine after it. It has a dark fruit aroma and favor, is somewhat dry, with a medium body and medium tannins. It is better than cheap box wine but there are many better Merlots available at a lower price.

    Comments: See also our Wine Tasting at the MenaRick Vineyard and Winery.

Alcohol: 12%

Bar code: NA