Barefoot Merlot NV

Recommendation: Quality wine at a bargain price

Winery/Producer: E & J Gallo; Barefoot cellars; Modesto, California

Grape Variety: Merlot

Geographic Origin: California.

Vintage: Non Vintage.

Price: $5.47

Purchased From: Walmart; Kernersville, North Carolina

Pared With: Grilled chicken, rice pilaf and squash with garlic and Italian seasoning.


    He said: Ruby red color. Slight licorice (anise) bouquet. Somewhat mellow with a nice red berry/fruity taste and fairly dry finish. This is NOT a fine Merlot, BUT it is a very, very drinkable “everyday” red wine and for $5. it gets our quality wine at a bargain price rating. At this price you simply can’t go wrong with this wine!!!

    She said: Five dollar wines that are drinkable seem few and far between these days so this wine is a standout. The bouquet is subtle or non-existent. With a red berry flavor it has a medium body and subtle tannins that last into the medium dry finish. This wine improves as you drink it and is a great buy at $5.47.

    Comments: Purchased from Walmart and probably one of the least pretentious wines you can buy, this non-vintage wine is a red wine that everyone can afford and enjoy. And, maybe most important, it doesn’t get any of the pejorative terms many much more expensive wines are frequently described with. We put this in a category of good inexpensive red wine, that is consistent with every bottle, and on par with Rex Goliath Pinot Noir.

(USP) Bar code:018341751109