Buceci Myrina Inzolia 2011

Recommendation: Not Recommended.

Winery/Producer: Azienda Agricola Di Calderone Francesco Marineo; Palermo, Sicily.

Grape Variety: Inzolia.

Geographic Region, Appellation: Sicily, Italy.

Vintage: 2012

Price: $9.59 (With a 20% discount)

Purchased From: Total Wine; Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Paired With: Sipping.


    He said: Served chilled. Clear and almost with out color, there is a golden-brown darkness to it. Strong vermouth and VERY OVERRIPE (rotten) apple taste that continues through a fairly long slightly bitter finish. Decent acidity but an unpleasant taste. It bears no resemblance to the “fresh, crisp, elegant and refreshing” description that’s printed on the label and at $9.59 I would not recommend it. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t take it even if it was free!!!

    She said: Somewhere in my past I was introduced to sipping vermouth over ice but never really got into it. This wine reminds me of that experience because the flavor is so similar. There is very little aroma but the taste is very distinct and lasts into a long finish that ends with a bitter kick that is unpleasant. I can’t help but wonder if this wine had started to turn. Ray and I are not fighting over this wine and no wonder, it tastes like medicine my mother used to give me. Unfortunately we had no food as we sipped and I can’t think of anything I would like to eat with it. We have no idea if it pairs well with food, let alone what food and I would not buy this wine again even though it’s under $10.


Alcohol: 12.5%