Recommendation: If your an adventurous wine drinker, try this one and you will not be disappointed…it’s delicious and a VERY special wine.
Winery/Producer:Gaston Hochar; Chateau Muscar, Lebanon.
Grape Variety: Blend: Obaideh and Merwah
Geographic Region, Appellation: Bekaa Valley, Lebanon
Vintage: 2004
Price: $42.00 (with a 10% mixed case discount)
Purchased From: The Caviste Wine Shop; Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Paired With: Sipping.

She said: We had this with Brie cheese and didn’t like the pairing, but having it without food this time showed its potential. I don’t know what food would best go with it but don’t care because it is a very unique wine and I enjoy sipping it without other competing or complementary tastes. The first smell and taste suggests sherry, which I love, but subsequent tastes bring more into play. Creamy, with complex flavors the wine had a refreshing acidity that lasted into the long succulent finish. I tried it with unsalted peanuts and salted pretzels but decided it was delicious all on its own.
Alcohol: 12%
Bar code: 6 11482 06013 2
Imported by: Broadbent Selections; Richmond, Virginia.