Since wine spoils quickly if exposed to the air, wine-makers through the ages began using corks to seal their wine in a vessel. In the 1700’s, when glass bottles became the wine container of choice, corks were used to seal the wine in the bottle and the typical “T” shaped cork screws were invented. Until about 20 years ago natural corks were thought to be the only option for a proper wine bottle closure. However, modern technology has brought forth numerous other seals including screw caps and synthetic or artificial corks, all of which raise questions over the traditional natural cork stopper.
With this long history why are there so many cork alternatives being use on wine bottles. One of the primary reasons is “cork taint” or TCA (2,4,6-trichloroanisole). TCA is a chemical that leeches out of a natural cork into the wine and gives it a mustiness, often compared to wet cardboard, or when it occurs in smaller amounts covers up the wine’s fruit flavors. “Corked” wine, as it’s called, won’t hurt you, but it’s probably going to discourage buying another bottle of that wine. TCA-tainted wine is estimated to occur in as many as five out of 100 bottles. That doesn’t seem like a lot until you’re paying for those five bottles or it was an expensive wine that you were having for a special occasion. So, don’t write off wines with synthetic corks, screw caps or high-tech closures. Modern improvements have made some of them capable of emulating the best qualities of natural cork.
Following are brief descriptions of seven common methods of “corking” a bottle of wine.

The soft woody bark from cork oak trees is about 89% air, has a unique honeycombed cell structure, a lightness, compressibility and elasticity along with non-permeability that makes it and exceptional material to seal wine in the bottle. Poor quality cork contains soft spongy wood that has grown to quickly and can be identified by its lack of growth rings showing each years growth layer. To make the cork stoppers we know today, slices of cork bark are boiled to sterilize it and remove impurities, dried until it reachs the optimum texture and than punched into the familiar round shape. After being cut, the corks are once again washed, cleaned, sterilized and dried. Some corks are lightly coated with wax to ensure a better seal with the bottle.
A typical natural cork will let in about one milligram of oxygen per year. This is a very tiny amount, but after two or three years, the cumulative quantity can be enough to break down the sulfites that winemakers add to protect the wine from oxidation. This small amount of air is perfect for helping age-worthy wines develop their complexities while the tannins are softening. However, a small fraction of natural corks end up tainting the wine with moldy smelling TCA and this has resulted in the use of the many non-cork material closures in use today.

Screw caps used on wine bottles are actually composed of two parts, the metal cap and a liner inside the top of the cap that seals to the lip of the bottle and controls the amount of oxygen getting into the wine. Years ago when screw caps were only used on jug wine, there were only limited types of liners available. But, today winemakers can select screw caps that offer a specific rate of oxygen transmission that’s best for each kind of wine. Generally screw cap liners admit either more or less oxygen than high quality natural corks. The major advantage of screw caps is that they are low in cost, very consistent, prevent TCA taint, easy to open and eliminate broken cork bits floating in the class of wine. With that said the ritual of uncorking a bottle of wine is part of the whole wine drinking experience that gets completely missed when it’s simply a twist of the wrist!!!

The Ardea Seal closure was designed to solve many of the problems associated with seals made of natural cork materials. For example the seal eliminates TCA tainted wine, provides variability of the oxygen transfer rate and prevents chemical contamination and crumbling or breaking of the closure when opening the bottle. However, in today’s world where wine makers take pride in having vineyards that are certified organic, biodynamic, use no insectides or pesticides and practice minimal manipulation of the wine it is difficult to image them using synthetic, high-tech corks…but, they are and we encounter Arden Seals more frequently every year. The Ardea Seal in the photo came from a bottle of Chenin blanc from the Loire Valley in France.
As a final thought…the only job of any “cork” is to keep the wine preserved as the wine-maker intended. No one wants a plastic cork in a bottle of long-aging Bordeaux or Barolo, but at the same time no wine-maker needs to spend more than necessary on closures for wines that are going to be drunk young. If a wine is in good condition and drinks the way the wine-maker intended, the type of “cork” should be of little consequence…other than as a memento of the wine drinking occasion!!!